Fix xinput1_2.dll Missing Error - Free Download
How to Download xinput1_2.dll and Fix DLL Missing or Not Found Error
If you are trying to run a program on your computer and you see an error message that says "xinput1_2.dll is missing" or "xinput1_2.dll not found", don't panic. This is a common problem that can be easily fixed with a few simple steps. In this article, we will explain what xinput1_2.dll is, why you need it, what causes the error, and how to fix it.
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What is xinput1_2.dll and Why Do You Need It?
xinput1_2.dll is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file that is part of Microsoft DirectX for Windows, a collection of software components that enable high-performance graphics and multimedia applications on Windows. xinput1_2.dll is also known as Microsoft Common Controller API, which provides functions for interacting with game controllers, such as joysticks, gamepads, steering wheels, etc.
xinput1_2.dll is an essential component that ensures that Windows programs operate properly. It usually contains a set of procedures and driver functions that are used by the programs that require it. For example, if you want to play a PC game that uses DirectX, you need xinput1_2.dll to make the game controller work.
Common Causes of xinput1_2.dll Error
There are several possible reasons why you may encounter the xinput1_2.dll error. Some of the most common ones are:
How to download xinput1_2.dll for free
Fix xinput1_2.dll missing or corrupted error
Download xinput1_2.dll for Windows 10, 8, 7
Xinput1_2.dll download and installation guide
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Xinput1_2.dll not found - how to solve
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How to uninstall xinput1_2.dll from your system
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How to scan your PC for xinput1_2.dll issues
How to clean your registry and optimize your computer for xinput1_2.dll
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How to download xinput1_2.dll for 64-bit or 32-bit Windows
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How to replace xinput1_2.dll with a compatible version
How to backup and restore xinput1_2.dll files
How to prevent xinput1_2.dll errors in the future
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How to verify the authenticity of xinput1_2.dll file
How to remove xinput1_2.dll virus or malware infection
How to fix xinput1_2.dll access violation error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll runtime error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll invalid page fault error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll entry point not found error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll bad image error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll module load failed error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll ordinal not found error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll procedure not found error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is in use error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is read-only error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is corrupted or damaged error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is too large or too small error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is missing a required dependency error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file is incompatible with your system error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file has a different checksum or signature error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file has been modified or tampered with error
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How to fix xinput1_2.dll file has been deleted by another program or user error
How to fix xinput1_2.dll file has been moved or renamed error
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Faulty Application
Sometimes, the program that needs xinput1_2.dll may be corrupted or incompatible with your system. This can cause the program to fail to load or run the file correctly.
Deleted or Misplaced File
Another common cause of the error is when the xinput1_2.dll file is accidentally deleted or moved to another location on your computer. This can happen when you uninstall or install another program, or when you clean up your disk space.
Corrupted by Malicious Software
Malicious software, such as viruses, malware, spyware, etc., can also damage or replace the xinput1_2.dll file with a fake or infected one. This can compromise the security and performance of your computer.
Damaged Windows Registry
The Windows registry is a database that stores information about your system settings and installed programs. Sometimes, the registry entries related to xinput1_2.dll may be corrupted or invalid due to various reasons, such as improper installation or uninstallation of programs, power failures, hardware failures, etc. This can prevent the system from accessing or loading the file properly.
How to Fix xinput1_2.dll Error
The good news is that there are several ways to fix the xinput1_2.dll error. Depending on the cause and severity of the problem, you may need to try one or more of the following solutions:
Reinstall the Application that Requires xinput1_2.dll
One of the easiest ways to fix the error is to reinstall the program that is giving you the error message. This can help you restore the missing or corrupted xinput1_2.dll file, as well as any other files that may be required by the program. To reinstall the program, you need to follow these steps:
Uninstall the program from your computer. You can do this by going to Control Panel > Programs and Features, and then selecting the program from the list. Click on Uninstall and follow the instructions.
Restart your computer to clear any residual files or settings.
Download the latest version of the program from its official website or a trusted source. Make sure you choose the right version for your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
Install the program by following the instructions on the screen. You may need to agree to some terms and conditions, or enter some information, such as your name, email, etc.
Run the program and check if the error is resolved.
Update the Application to the Latest Version
Sometimes, the error may be caused by an outdated or incompatible version of the program that needs xinput1_2.dll. In this case, you need to update the program to the latest version available. This can help you fix any bugs or issues that may be affecting the program or its dependencies. To update the program, you need to follow these steps:
Open the program and look for an option to check for updates. This may be located in the menu bar, under Help, About, Settings, etc. Alternatively, you can visit the official website of the program and look for a download link for the latest version.
Download and install the update by following the instructions on the screen. You may need to close the program and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Run the program and check if the error is resolved.
Install All Windows Updates and Any Available Driver Updates
Another possible cause of the error is when your Windows system or your device drivers are outdated or incompatible with xinput1_2.dll. This can affect how your system recognizes and interacts with the file and its associated programs. To fix this, you need to install all Windows updates and any available driver updates for your computer. This can help you improve your system performance and security, as well as fix any errors or issues that may be related to xinput1_2.dll. To install Windows updates and driver updates, you need to follow these steps:
Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
Click on Check for updates and wait for Windows to scan your system for any available updates.
Select all the updates that are relevant to your system and click on Install. You may need to restart your computer for some updates to take effect.
To check for driver updates, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Hardware and Devices. Click on Run the troubleshooter and wait for Windows to detect and fix any problems with your devices.
You can also use a third-party tool, such as Driver Easy, Driver Booster, or Driver Talent, to scan your system for any outdated or missing drivers and update them automatically.
Run the program that requires xinput1_2.dll and check if the error is resolved.
Clean Your PC Registry and Optimize Your Computer
The Windows registry is a database that stores information about your system settings and installed programs. Sometimes, the registry entries related to xinput1_2.dll may be corrupted or invalid due to various reasons, such as improper installation or uninstallation of programs, power failures, hardware failures, etc. This can prevent the system from accessing or loading the file properly. To fix this, you need to clean your PC registry and optimize your computer. This can help you remove any invalid or unnecessary entries, as well as improve your system speed and performance. To clean your PC registry and optimize your computer, you need to follow these steps:
Download and install a reliable registry cleaner and optimizer tool, such as CCleaner, RegClean Pro, or W